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Attack On Titan THE GAME!?

Hey Everyone!
So I found something super exciting and overly addictive. I spent probably 4 hours the other day playing this game! If I remember it right Aggroe sent it to me. If anyone else is a big Attack on Titan fan you're going to LOVE this!
There is an online game you can play by yourself or there's a multi-player mode where you can play it with a friend. The game is called Attack on Titan based off the anime. You choose a character, choose your level and area and go battle titans! The controls are fairly simple once you get used to them. I probably kept hitting walls the first 10 minutes I tried to play this!
Click this link to play this awesome game!
Play Attack on Titan
For those of you who haven't seen the anime it's still a pretty awesome game so give it a go!
Another game that recently came out recently is the new Stanley Parable game! Stanley Parable is a game where you are a man in an office and you push buttons. Something strange has happened and a Narrator is telling a story. The game has a lot of different endings and I can't wait to get this game!
You can buy the game or try the demo on steam now~
Play Stanley Parable

Enjoy those games and tell me what you think!
Anemone <3

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